



Taurus people have their own stubborn side in love, and they understand a lot of reasons, but they are very reasonable. As long as they like a person, they will stick to it to the end. Taurus is like this. They clearly know that it is impossible to be with each other, but it is still difficult to let go. Taurus is too infatuated, and Taurus will also try their best to love. Maybe Taurus' persistence in love is impossible for ordinary people, However, they are so motivated to use their greatest ability to love the people they like. Such infatuation is really touching. Taurus people can also clearly understand themselves and realize the gap between themselves and the other party, but they will never give up their love in their hearts because of this sense of distance, let alone give up easily because of the rejection of the other party. Sometimes even if they give up in action, they don't really give up in their hearts.

Scorpios are very cautious in love, and it is very difficult to make them really like a person. It is because of this that they become very firm when they like a person. No matter whether they can really be together or not, they will not give up easily. Scorpios also know that the possibility of being with each other is very low, but if they want to persuade Scorpios to put down, they can't do it, Because if you don't give up, although the opportunity is slim, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is still a chance of one in a thousand or one in ten thousand. If you give up, there is really no chance at all. Scorpios are so infatuated that they can't give up so easily. Scorpios understand the truth, that is, they are uncontrolled in action, and will continue to stick to it as always, It's hard to imagine that the affectionate Scorpio turned out to be like this.

Aquarius is very stubborn. They don't listen to others' advice, but blindly follow their feelings. Aquarius has its own principles and its own small world. They think that true love is inviolable, that is, they want to go one way to death. Generally, Aquarius people believe that few people can change what they believe, and they will never give up before they do a good job. Sometimes they know that the other party doesn't like them, It's impossible to really be with themselves. They will also continue with a trace of fantasy and expect each other to find their own good one day. Aquarius is waiting so foolishly. Maybe one day they can be moved by each other and finally harvest love. It's also very possible that they will stubbornly persist when they know that the other party doesn't like them.

ysrdz 阅读 17 次 更新于 2025-03-11 13:32:22 我来答关注问题0
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