解梦 - 请各位高人帮帮手 10分
搬屋之后先发咁既梦,绝对系有关预言既梦,你预见了你将来会做的事,第1个梦都无咩野要小心或提示你,但第2个梦,你绝对要小心! 第2个梦系提示你要小心那个人,你暂时不认识的,但日后会碰面; 去佢屋企搭笠走的...
解梦 - 请各位高人帮帮手 10分
搬屋之后先发咁既梦,绝对系有关预言既梦,你预见了你将来会做的事,第1个梦都无咩野要小心或提示你,但第2个梦,你绝对要小心! 第2个梦系提示你要小心那个人,你暂时不认识的,但日后会碰面; 去佢屋企搭笠走的时候要小心个女仔,你有无记得个女仔既样?有既就记住,佢一入笠你即出笠,唔记得既就只好自己小心,无理由每个女子同你一齐入笠都要避开姐?可以带防狼器等旁身,带唔带你决定la~ 你第2个梦系未发完,即系唔知下文会点,所以只系解到咁多!
日有所思,夜有所梦。 突竟梦,是否因为日间想得太多而在夜里造梦,还是梦里有玄机呢? 其实见解各有不同。 至于周公解梦,就是一些民间解梦的方法,对梦中所见有另一番睇法。 y28predictions/program/template/legend/dream?file=01&lang=
Dream to a certain extent can reflect reality
your wants and your daily stress. For the 1st one
it should be related to your current status of house removal. Also
it may mean that you are not familar with your new place and have a hidden sense of fear
it is reflected as "grave" in your dream. Also
it can be explained as your dissatisfaction of the original place of your gradfather's grave
so that you have dreamt of a new place. If you would like to have a more accurate explanation
you may need to rethink about what have happened surrounding you recently and your feeling towards your grandfather. For the second one
it should be mostly related to life stress. Because of the insufficient information
we cannot fix about what kind of stress causing this dream. But from the illustration of the dream
you are chasing by *** th in your real life and you want to find a way out
therefore you dream of a girl who chases you and you have the desire to kill her. Also
in the second dream you have quite a clear description and it indicates that you remember your dream quite clearly. Usually
after human wake up from sleep
we would fet our dream. And if you have a clear memory of your dream
it also implies that your sleeping quality is not that good
may be caused by multiple reasons
such as life stress. Hope that my wer could help you
but from the point of view of dream reader
it is needed for you to provide more information if you would like to have a better interpretation of your dream!
参考: I am a tarot and dream reader
psychology major in HKU.
this dream you need a guidance to lead your way and you are try to do something you think is not properly right things to do
may be about sex grand par me the guidance (wisdom) old lady is mortal and conduct and discilpine the girl is your own projection
your wide side like angel and evil
your try to struggle
may be your boy friend request for sex but you know you are young and not a right things to do
but cant handle the peer pressure or may be not about sex but some other things in similar situation2022-11-24
1、虚之梦 梦见白色景物、悲惨之事、或梦见杀人、流血、狼籍,多为肺气虚所致;2、去旅行:表示想从生活压力中获得解放,或想靠自己的实力克服困难的心情。留下我自己喊他们也不理我的不安感,表示你对不能施展自己能力的焦虑.同时说明自信不足。(仅供参考)
鬼怪代表着不好的事情,是凶兆。梦见鬼怪,会遇到危险。梦见向鬼怪进攻,则是吉兆,可以避免灾祸。梦见自己一见到鬼怪就跑,意味着敌人将被自己征服。梦见鬼在院内,忧愁散。梦见已故亲人 若梦见死去的父亲活过来,表示家庭成员中会有争论。若是梦见亡友,则表示物质上将会发生困难。梦见过世者从棺木中走...