



People belonging to the chicken are full of vitality and strength, brave and decisive, and have a strong enterprising spirit. Filial piety, generous to friends, good at financial management, but impatient. Domineering, subjective and stubborn, like to be competitive and not admit defeat. Like colorful life, jumping constantly. There has always been a saying among the people that the zodiac signs contradict each other, the characters are incompatible, the marriage is easy to quarrel, the business cooperation is easy to fail, and the relationship becomes rigid. Today, let's learn about the incompatibility between chicken and other animals.

Chinese zodiac animals: chicken and ox
In terms of career cooperation: Niu is down-to-earth and doesn't like the ostentation of chicken. Niu is naturally stubborn and arbitrary, and chicken has a sense of authority. It is difficult for two people to agree and cooperate. Marriage and love: the cow will fight with the chicken to be the head of the family. It does not like the chicken to be ostentatious and pretentious. It opposes the pragmatic cow.
Chinese zodiac animals: chicken and tiger
Business cooperation: "if a chicken and a tiger fight, there will be one injury". If the cooperation is conducted, it is often targeted everywhere. The chicken acts cautiously, and the tiger is eager for quick success and instant benefits. If there are differences, they often fight endlessly. Marriage and love: the tiger pays more attention to reality. The chicken likes romance and colorful life, which will make the tiger jealous.
Chinese zodiac animals: chickens and rabbits harm each other
Business cooperation: they will make use of each other for the sake of interests, but once the interests are uneven, they will immediately turn over. Marriage and love: the chicken will make a fuss about some trivial matters of life and domineer over the rabbit, so that the rabbit will not have a step down and will be easily deceived by the chicken's tricks.

Chinese zodiac: the chicken and the dog collide
Career: the dog is faithful and trustworthy, rational and realistic, and can't stand the sleek and unrealistic chicken, whimsical; This makes the dog feel insecure, so they can't share the same interests. Marriage and love: both of them are vain, arrogant and provocative to each other; They are all stubborn and dare to act. Although they have common goals, they can not understand each other and work hard together.
Chinese zodiac animals: chicken and pig
Business cooperation: the pig is a materialist and the chicken is a spiritual believer. In the eyes of the pig, the chicken is a typical ambitious. Only ordinary friends. If pigs can be tolerant enough, cooperation is also possible. Marriage and love: Pigs worry about vegetables, rice, oil and salt, and chickens are typical enjoyment groups. They are too extroverted, so it is difficult to get along with each other, and it is difficult for couples to get along with each other.

The Chinese zodiac animals "chicken" and "dragon" are punished by themselves
In terms of business cooperation: Dragon and chicken are punished by themselves. Because they are similar in character, they are easy to suspect each other, and there are many frictions, so it is difficult to cooperate. Marriage and love: both of them have strong personality and stubbornness. They will not admit their mistakes to each other. They both pay too much attention to their own career and neglect their families.
ysrdz 阅读 16 次 更新于 2024-12-19 17:08:35 我来答关注问题0
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