
The tarot
The tarot2015-04-06
ysrdz 阅读 13 次 更新于 2024-12-19 03:54:08 我来答关注问题0
  • 1. Magician(魔术师)2. High Priestess(女祭司)3. Empress(女皇)4. Emperor(皇帝)5. Hierophant(教皇)6. Lovers(恋人)7. Chariot(战车)8. Strength(力量)9. Hermit(隐士)10. Wheel of Fortune(命运之轮)11. Justice(正义)12. Hanged Man(倒吊人)13. Death(死神)14. T...

  • The tarot

  • 大阿卡那牌 【0】愚者(The Fool,0)【1】魔术师(The Magician,I)【2】女祭司(The High Priestess,II)【3】女皇(The Empress,III)【4】皇帝(The Emperor,IV)【5】教皇(The Hierophant,or the Pope,V)【6】恋人(The Lovers,VI)【7】战车(The Chariot,VII)【8】力量(Strength,...

  • 塔罗(TAROT)塔罗牌由22张大阿卡那牌和56张小阿卡那牌组成。小阿卡那牌(Minor Arcana)四种牌的含义如下:权杖:代表元素火,象征激情、能量和创造。星星:代表元素土,象征金钱、物质和享受。圣杯:代表元素水,象征情感、关系、爱和灵感。宝剑:代表元素气,象征思想、智慧、交流和冲突。小阿卡那牌是...

  • The Tarot is a pack of cards with pictures on them that is used to predict what will happen to people in the future. Tarot is also used to refer to the system of predicting people's futures using these card.
