The Tarot is a pack of cards with pictures on them that is used to predict what will happen to people in the future. Tarot is also used to refer to the system of predicting people's futures using these card.
The tarot
大阿卡那牌 【0】愚者(The Fool,0)【1】魔术师(The Magician,I)【2】女祭司(The High Priestess,II)【3】女皇(The Empress,III)【4】皇帝(The Emperor,IV)【5】教皇(The Hierophant,or the Pope,V)【6】恋人(The Lovers,VI)【7】战车(The Chariot,VII)【8】力量(Strength,...
The Devil ,XV),塔(The Tower,XVI),星辰(The Star,XVII),月亮(The Moon,XVIII),太阳(The Sun,XIX),审判(Judgment,XX),世界(The Universe,XXI)。大阿卡那牌就如同它的名字一样,是用来解释命运的大致运势。每一张牌都反映着人生的不同际遇,因此,占卜时出现的王牌都会成为分析的重点。
(一)大阿卡那牌(MajorArcana)0、(the fool)愚人:满怀天真、单纯没有恐惊的迈向人生旅途。1、(the magician)魔术师:学习沟通的艺术。2、(the high priestress)女祭司:充满自信和洞察力。3、(the mepress)皇后:发展爱和智慧。4、(the emperor)皇帝:发挥领导力、智慧别人。5、(the ...
The Tarot is a pack of cards with pictures on them that is used to predict what will happen to people in the future. Tarot is also used to refer to the system of predicting people's futures using these...
The Tarot is a pack of cards with pictures on them that is used to predict what will happen to people in the future. Tarot is also used to refer to the system of predicting people's futures using these card.2016-11-10
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